Consider for a second or two, perhaps longer, consider love for it has obsessed my last fifteen years.
Love, so glorious, so ennobling, life changing, history changing love. Love that has rewritten the destiny of Kings, love that has gripped mankind from time immemorial.
We are created to love and to be loved. The future of our species relies entirely upon the glorious shoulders of love.
I am a product of a chance meeting of my mother and father, a meeting that blossomed into that wondrous coupling that produced me and then my sister. The absolute triumph of human desire and expression produces the greatest act of all creation, you, me and all whom are around us. Now before I go on, let us pause for the violence of desire, and the victims of a distortion that strips love of all it's glory.
Love. Those who love us. Those whom we love. The human story, the human journey, a journey that has it's triumphs and it's failures, but love just the same.
Please, let's pause from my earnest prose, and simply meditate on that word above all words, love.
Yet, there is a love that transcends every human experience, more so, it humbles our best with it's extraordinary extravagance. Think about it. What is the abiding image of eternal love. What do we see, what can we learn? This outrageous depiction of the eternal nature of God compels us to respond in a fractured response that cries out for grace to enliven every step.
God, in Jesus, makes a statement of his nature, his heart, his soul and his spirit. He chose to announce to all mankind that the cross was to be an offering of forgiveness. No more do we struggle to "Love the Lord our God with all your heart and all your strength and all your might, loving your neighbor as yourself". Jesus shows us that we are incapable of such a command. We are immediately condemned, we have just one response, it is too impossible a task, we have failed at the outset.
Jesus takes our failure, our flaws, our prejudices, our politics, our innate racism and our need to crucify grace to enforce our beliefs. He became the end result of our humanity's religious instinct, as, all of us, find ourselves screaming Barabus, because to cry for Jesus require more faith than we are capable. At the height of this religious fury that caused almost all the disciples and followers to run away, fearing for their lives, Jesus cries out an eternal message from the foundation of all creation to beyond the summing up of all time. He cries this for you and your ancestors, for our children and our great, great grand children. "Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing" This is God's final manifesto. It is the heart beat of all that Jesus did, said and cried out. It is ultimate, it is complete, it is four letters, it is "what makes the world go round". It is that tiny word, misused and abused. It is all that we reach for, finding ourselves faithless and hopeless in our failure. It is the pure outworking, it is love.
We are loved. That's it. That's the message. So simple, so profound, an eternal journey, fueled by grace and forgiveness. We are loved to be loving, and we are free to fail, free to start again, we are free to rise from our hatred and bigotry for we are always embraced by a love that is endless, boundless, unmerited and liberating.
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