Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do you remember the song: “What if God was one of us?”

It asked the very simple question, if “God” was “one of us” what would you expect of Him? How would you react if you knew that “He” worked in the city, caught public transport to and from the office, went for walks in the park and ate regularly with his friends in his favourite cafe. Imagine if God worked “part-time” in your office, or served behind the counter of the local butcher shop. As I write, an electrician is replacing some lights in our house. What if he was God? Would that change our concepts? Would that change our spirituality?

“If God was one of us” what would he be like?

Would we notice Him?

It is amazing that this song was written and it’s questions asked, when Christmas is still celebrated every year. Does this mean that the impact of the true message of Bethlehem has been totally lost on us.

God was “one of us”. He was a stranger walking home along suburban streets every day passing simple folk, just like you and me, as they all made their way to and from work. He was part of the “everydayness” of life. He was bumped into, he was sat beside, he was heard, he was interrupted, he was questioned and he was answered. He laughed at other peoples jokes, he told stories, he sang and danced, he lived with us, a “normal” man in a “normal” world. He had a mother and a father, sisters and brothers, aunties and uncles, friends and enemies. In between the miracles and the teachings was a life that was just like any other.

How strange.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"What am I optimistic about?"

I am optimistic about the reality of grace. Grace that gently grows hope in
the midst of our hopelessness. Grace is bigger than our religions, our
cultures of faith, our services and our sermons. For me, grace was only
fully understood when the spotlight was out and my hope had gone. To find
myself having grown from that place, full of wonderment and amazement, is my
constant source of inspiration. Yes, the lights do go out. Yes, there are
struggles and times where I loose all sense of hope, but, somehow, there is
an awareness of grace that goes beyond me and my situations and I find
myself held by faithfulness, a faithfulness that graces me, a grace that is

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

quiet my soul,
peace, my heart,
still my thoughts
pause and rest.
gentle lies the light
on the truth that is seen
wait and be patient
take time to be free.
walk, footsteps softly
hold, don't restrain
love with abundance
speak mercy and grace.
quiet my soul
peace my heart
hear heaven's rhythm,
sing angel's song.

may the day find you with eyes open
like a child let loose to play.

quiet my soul
peace my heart.