Love and loving
I continually find myself being inspired by images and narratives of love and compassion. The world is full of these encounters, whether in sacred texts, legends, or the glorious day to day encounters with transcendent gifts of grace. In and through these we are challenged to rise above our humanity, choosing to love beyond our biases and prejudices. More than ever, love calls us to respond to life in all it's hatred and fears by becoming loving. I'm too flawed to be anything else but a lover of my neighbour, no matter what their belief or lifestyle. The love that we find in the accounts of the life of Jesus shows us how God sought to reconcile himself to mankind, I simply do my insufficient best to be a follower. God could have theologically humiliated everyone he came across, he could have called down thousands of angels to defend himself, in the end, what Jesus did in surrendering to the religious, proud and pious acts of his accusers was to simply stretch out his limbs and refuse to do anything else but love. This is the Life and the Love that calls us, by His Spirit, to endeavour, by grace, to emulate. I pray that your spirit and soul be refreshed by all that He is, to all that you the end, for me, it's simply breathtakingly beautiful.