Living lightly
We will never grow by proclaiming our rights,
Or celebrating our strengths
We can only grow when we can identify our wrongs
And wrestle with our weaknesses.
We can demand others to change,
We can demand our justice
But it is only when we are prepared to grow, painfully so,
That we can begin to proclaim the rights of others
by seeing our rights as the lesser.
When we can stand in the nakedness of our frailty,
Then we can begin to be clothed with humility.
When we fight for our rights
We lose.
When we dare ourselves to be compassionate
We begin to build a community.
My journey is to share my failings
So that together we can journey towards the light.
Justice without love is judgment,
Judgement without justice is vengeance.
Vengeance and revenge drain us all of our humanity.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad