Saturday, May 03, 2008

Let the light shine

until our eyes are blinded by the light.
Let your mercy fall,
our hearts bursting with love
and grace.
grace for you, grace for me,
grace for us all,
grace, shouted and sung
till our voices can scarcely speak
caught in
Oh, if we could be
completely overwhelmed
from every shortcoming,
as every pain and every shame
is covered by this grace
mercy and love.

For we battle with the darkness
we struggle with the light
constantly shaking ourselves free
to rise above lives
that often feel out of control
and reckless.
What a mystery is this,
the promise of freedom
to these chains and shackles.
Grace wrestles with us all,
with our hearts and voices
as our todays and tomorrows are shaped
by what we cannot understand
or fully grasp.


Blogger Janet McKinney said...

I have no words of wisdom Geoff, or anything to offer - except to let you know I hear you. Keep on struggling, keep on looking - you encourage me to do the same.

I have these thought running through my head - dunno if they mean anything to you, or it is just me. Anyhow here it is - probably totally incoherent.

I have memories of the time when I was more "active" in the spiritual terms - just at the moment it is not that way. Sometimes I feel guilty - what should I be "doing" to get back there.

But what keeps coming to me is the works - Just BE not DO. It is easy to interpret this as - if you were in the right place of BEING, then you would be DOING all you should do. But it is not like that - Even though when I am BEING who I am at the moment, and this means not DOING much, that is OK to. God is there in the little things of living - even if they don't look as though they are spiritual.

Sometimes it seems more important to be there for my step-daughter and her children on a Sunday morning than go to church - teaching her how to sew clothes for herself and children was more important that morning. Spending tomorrow with a friend, being a friend seems to be more important - that being at church. But these were the type of decisions I couldn't understand other people making on a Sunday morning years ago - being at Church was the only thing to do if you weer in the right "BEING" space.

My relationship with God is still a the centre of my life - every decision is based on that relationship - but not on how people perceive that relationship to be.

OK enough - your poems make me think, and sometimes I just want to respond.

Cheers friend - enjoy the change of season. It is getting very cold here in Canberra
Janet McK

2:43 pm  
Blogger Candy said...

I want to be caught up in that first stanza. My only real goal in life is to be overwhelmed completely by this one thing and then his light will shine through me.

10:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey these are really good lyrics, geoff. Are you going to play me the tune? If not, I might be tempted to write a quirky one!! hehe
gracie xx

9:07 am  

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