Sunday, August 19, 2007

Let hope shine brighter
than the darkness of my fears.
let love's heartbeat
be stronger than the night.
Oh grace,
stretch your wings
over my soul,
shielding my memories
from condemnations snare
and mercy,
sing your songs
into my broken heart.

A meditation for brokenness


Blogger Sue said...

What you said, Geoff :(

4:21 pm  
Blogger story takes time said...

shielding my memories
from condemnations snare

6 words that say so much.

8:51 am  
Blogger story takes time said...

shielding my memories
from condemnations snare

Six powerful words.

8:52 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, YTY... sometimes we can find the simple few words that paint a paragraph of imagery. Thank you so much for 'discovering' my blog.

10:43 am  
Blogger story takes time said...

This poem is from a book I have by a Christian photographer/poet Schaeffer

The gull is heavier than air

but by its motion and hollow bones it defies gravity and rides the wind

it is the motion of faith

and the knowledge of hollowness that allows me to fly and break through to you

I am hollow but filled with hope

and this knowledge makes me light enough to survive the eye of the storm

to be hollow and to know it

is to become filled with the power to fly.

PS I soooooo want to fly, guess the hollowing out process is still happening – ouch!

1:44 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

What should I call you: "Yeggy" or "YTY" I love to sail. The feeling of the wind catching perfectly set sails is akin to flying. However there is the complete mystery of the boat sailing "into" the wind. It doesn't make sense without a knowledge of aeronautics.
Without hope and faith we may find it very difficult to understand why we are sailing into the teeth a fierce wind. AS always, thank you for stopping by.

3:43 pm  
Blogger story takes time said...

Yeggy works for me.

5:46 pm  

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