Thursday, November 08, 2012

The gift.

It is the most extravagant gift.
unrivalled amongst all creation.
somewhat small,
seemingly insignificant,
yet so immensely powerful
it can shape the destiny of mankind.
as I write,
it is ahead of me,
shaping my thoughts into words,
drawing on experiences
that I may have forgotten.
you and I share this gift,
and yet,
so often we take it for granted.
This gift can delve into the mysteries of the universe,
it can travel back and forth in time,
an endless file that can be snatched
from dim and dulled memories.
Why are we given this extravagance?
It is so we can use it,
relentless in our pursuit
of knowledge
and understanding.
Instead of reacting,
let us respond.
Instead of blindly believing,
let us search,
let us challenge our status quo
impatient for the greater truth
that is uncovered
by the restless seeker.
There is nothing to fear,
for, if it is the truth you are looking for,
it is the truth
that you shall find,
and that truth
will be the continuing journey
of our lifetime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:30 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

The gift is the human brain...perhaps the most overlooked organ in the body..overlooked and under-utilised...very much take for granted.

5:13 pm  
Blogger Candy said...

So very true!

12:17 am  

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