Friday, October 05, 2012

Roll up!

Roll up, roll up,
roll up to the magical mystery show!!
with high flyers,
princesses and kings!
Roll up, roll up,
roll up to the magical mystery show!
with dancers
and prancers
with singers
and entrancers ..
it's free to enter
but you must pay before you go.
Roll up, roll up,
it's so easy you see.
just sit where you are
it's all here to see.
it's clean,
it's fun,
it's safe,
for everyone.
Roll up, roll up,
you can leave all fulfilled,
this is all you need
and all you should do,
Roll up, Roll up,
plenty of parking,
air con, soft seats,
the church of delights
is coming to you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, a fun distraction...

What are the motivations of the ones running the show? Do they realize it's only a show? ;-)

9:36 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

That's a very good question.

5:53 pm  

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