Saturday, September 08, 2012


Forgiveness first and foremost happens in our heart, When we forgive the work is done in our lives, we become forgiving. Becoming forgiving is a lifetime journey that will be tested time and time again. We never arrive. We continue to forgive ourselves for our weaknesses as we swing back to judgment and anger. To be forgiven is a gift that must be received with forgiveness for forgiveness is a partnership. We forgive, we receive forgiveness and we seek forgiveness... we live as forgivers, we become forgiving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm finally learning that forgiveness (of myself & others) does much more for myself than I every previously realized!

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.", is one of THE most powerful lines in the entire Bible for me.

7:49 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

So often we assume that "forgiveness" is all about forgiving someone else's actions, however, I believe that "forgiveness" is much more about seeking forgiveness, being aware of the actions of oneself and pleading to be forgiven. That is a very powerful and liberating act, for both parties. I can forgive my persecutors, but my persecutors seeking forgiveness from me is life changing. Taking it one step further, it is when I see myself as a persecutor that the world begins a journey into transformational grace.

9:59 am  

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