Thursday, November 01, 2012

Whose faith

Sometimes Jesus said things that were to show us the impossible not the possible. It is impossible to "love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and ALL your mind and ALL your strength". We are left with two choices. Either we can sentence ourselves to a regimen of works that will always leave us failing, or we can stop. In stopping we are left with grace. Grace is complete. It says "It is finished". "You are forgiven because you will never fully understand". Faith is no longer expressed as our works for him, we start to live out his works through us, not our faith but his. There is a huge difference here. For me, mustard seed faith simply says that faith is an attribute of God that is given in minute measure for, if we received more, we would end up "moving mountains"...a far too dangerous ability to give mankind, don't you think.


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