Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Wilderness

The wilderness is a desert,
it is a forest.
It is a storm tossed sea,
it is a shipwreck on a rocky coast.
I am tangled by it's tendrils,
I am buffeted by it's waves,
I am chilled to the bone
I am parched by it's sun.
In the silence,
the cacophony,
jostled in the crowd.
He stretches out his hands,
he offers me his life,
Can I be still,
to receive without earning,
to live without struggling.
as hope,
blessed hope,
rises within me
like a millions suns
and a multitude of moons,
stars flung into space
that speak of this gift,
this love,
this life,


Anonymous Steph said...

Well, that just about brought me to tears. Can I be still, waiting, trusting.....
Yes, the wilderness is a special place for me too - but so few understand and many judge.

6:41 am  

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