Saturday, October 01, 2011


I wish that this grayness
Would slip from my mind
As I fight back the darkness
That drags my soul down.
I'm captive to a numbness
That fights me within
As I struggle with failures
That I relive again and again.

Oh the damning humanity
That courses through my veins
So that heaven is hidden
as I peer through the gloom
That has descended without warning
Like a thunderous cloud
I'm shouting in silence
My prayers fall and fail

Don't answer my questions
For I've been here before
I know all the verses
I've quoted them all..
I'll remember a faithfulness
That's overwhelmed me and more
Today is just darkness
Tomorrow light shall dawn.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Blogger Ivonne said...

"The Kindness of God" - an old book I saw today. The title spoke to me.

We forget how kind God is to us. We are the ones who have this memory that remembers our failures and pain. Learnt a lot about psychology etc, never taught in church. Our subconscious mind is like a record player, finds an old event and replay it again once we start the thought "I made a mess of that before..."

Once God forgives you, it is gone for Him. Let His grace cleanse you, refresh you. Turn your eyes to Him, away from your past. You are not your past. Trust God with your future.

When the old memory starts again, say firmly "Thanks for the reminder but that is over now. Find me a happy memory..."

We get what we focus on.
Focus on sickness, we get sick.
Focus on sadness... guess what we get? Same.
Focus on grace, gratitude, blessings and your energy feel better.

Instead of focusing on our weakness, focus instead on the majesty of God, how wonderful God is.

This year was tough. I thought `hope' was a dirty word, was so bitter and blamed God, etc. Somehow He took my pain and I could start again.

Praying for you.

8:38 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Merlin,
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I so appreciate it. I have battled with periods of depression in varying lengths and depths for all of my life. Lately I have been well and truly "on top of things". However over the last week I have found the same dark cloud visit me and I have had to practice all the cognitive therapy that once again is so ver necessary. Thank you for your prayers. I am honoured by your care and compassion.

11:11 am  

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