Thursday, September 10, 2009

You open my eyes You help me to see
You open my eyes to see your love
For I have seen
So many times before
You open my blinded eyes once more.

You open my ears
You help me to hear
You open my ears to hear your words
Sweet words of peace,
Mercy and grace
You open my ears to hear once more.

And you find me
In the darkness
You hold me through the night
You meet me with your mercy
and love

Healing my heart
Restoring my soul
You give me hope to live once more

To know your grace
To see your love
To know your faithfulness once more
For I have know
So many times before
Open this heart of mine once more.

And you find me
in the darkness
You hold me through the night
You meet me with your mercy
and love.

Soften this heart
so empty and cold
Soften this heart to love once more.


Blogger Janet McKinney said...

Fabulous song Geoff - Wonderful

10:30 pm  
Blogger Candy said...

Beautiful Geoff. I'm all about opening my eyes and ears lately so this really hit home. I was so glad to click over and see something new! Thank you for posting! How was the concert? Did you have a blast?

10:02 pm  
Blogger Peter Stone said...

Hi Geoff,
I like the way you keep writing about God's peace.
There was a time in my life when I could no longer sense it, yet like you shared, over time Jesus brought healing to my heart, restored my soul, and gave me hope to live again, after being in a dark pit from which I thought I'd never escape.

This piece you've written reminds me of the 'Uncomfortable Psalms' of King David which many don't want to read. But I like them because they are real - people do go through dark times, but with God's grace and mercy, He can lead us through them too.

God bless

10:01 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks heaps Peter, the grace journey is one of fatal steps that are enjoined by sacred words.... we find ourselves in a place that we never dreamed possible... eyes open to the a damning truth that is met with exquisite love, mercy and forgiveness.

10:17 am  

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