Monday, July 16, 2007

I am struggling to let go,
but let go I must.
The past is long gone
and the intoxication of fame
must remain an unnecessary consequence
of a fleeting popularity
I am here alone.
My mind is searching for man made answers.
I speak of trust and hope,
but, in reality, I so often turn to my own hands
to fashion my future.
All my plans are gone.
I am bereft of ideas.
My thoughts echo around
the silent dark,
my mind is blank.
I find myself returning to the broken pieces
fixing together their jagged edges,
but all that is broken
has been that way for years
and they are beyond repair.
again I cajole my soul
to look up and gaze towards the uncertain.
my future lies there,
gently held in the soft light of love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful photograph, beautiful, honest words.

9:31 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hello MissyP, thank you so much for stopping by. Wish I had taken the photo but this time I used one from the net. It's beautiful isn't it.

10:37 am  
Blogger Sassiekiwi said...

Hi Geoff

I was sitting at the piano this morning feeling my way through "you're all I need" and I thought of you. Then I found this. Good blog and I appreciate your "realness".

You are not forgotten. God sees you ... and he oh so gently takes the broken pieces of our lives and fashions them back together into beautiful vessels and artpieces that are stamped with the mark of the creator. People will look at them and like anyone who knows art and can say, "oh that one is a beethoven" or, "that one is a rembrandt", they will look and say, "oh that one is a God one" - the artist is indeliably stamped in his creation.

3:33 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Sassiekiwi, thank you so much for your beautiful words of encouragement.

8:54 am  

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