Saturday, May 17, 2014

Weep now.

My heart sinks,
And a shadow of sadness
Settles on my morning.
I read these barren words,
Soulless answers.
I lament the absence
Of compassion.
I grieve the greed,
The arrogance and pride.
Where are the good Samaritans,
Where are those who will sacrifice,
Who will reach out,
Whose hearts are not tarnished
By the fear that caring,
And giving
Are now ruled by economics.
The "lucky country"
Has truly found her dreams
"Gone dry".
Can we truly say
We are a "great" Southland?
Bring out the "mourning" bell,
Cease the celebrations,
The songs and dances.
Turn your prayers into deeds of mercy,
"What we do for the least,
We do for Him".
This is revival.
It starts in our hearts.


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