Saturday, December 14, 2013


When I look down,
When my soul sinks
When fears rob me
Stealing my hope and peace
There is only such a tiny distance to the dust,
The road beneath my feet. 
When I look up,
I can peer into eternity,
I can lift my eyes to the heavens,
I can explore the endless universe
And see the pattern, the plan
The genius of the One
Who know me,
Loves me
And brings me
Unalterable hope and peace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff
I thought I should introduce myself, I have been reading your blog on and off for a year now.
It has been a great blessing.
I have known God since a child but I think as an adult I have overcomplicated my faith and it is only in recent times that I have come back to the simple truth that, "God loves me".
Wishing you a restful and peaceful Christmas

9:46 am  

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